Module contents
The pde module contains tools for building a Partial Differential Equation from material and damping laws, as well as boundary conditions.
- The PDE is of the form:
- M*a + C*v + K(u) = b,+ Boundary conditions.
The module also contains tools to formulate a time domain problem using implicit
or explicit time schemes, although the preferred way to use these tools is through
the elastodynamicsx.solvers.timestepper
— — —
- Material laws:
from elastodynamicsx.pde import material mat = material( (function_space, cell_tags, marker), type_, *args, **kwargs)
- Body forces:
from elastodynamicsx.pde import BodyForce bf = BodyForce( (function_space, cell_tags, marker), value)
- Boundary conditions:
from elastodynamicsx.pde import BoundaryCondition bc = BoundaryCondition( (function_space, facet_tags, marker), type_, value)
- Assembling a PDE:
from elastodynamicsx.pde import PDE pde = PDE(materials=[mat1, mat2, ...], bodyforces=[bf1, bf2, ...], bcs=[bc1, bc2, ...])
- Getting the forms:
# Python functions M_function = pde.M_fn # Use as: # u = ufl.TrialFunction(function_space) # v = ufl.TestFunction(function_space) # M_ufl = M_function(u, v) # Compiled dolfinx forms M_form = pde.M_form # PETSc Matrices M = pde.M()
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.BodyForce(functionspace_tags_marker, value: Function | Constant | ndarray, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of the rhs term (the ‘b’ term) of a pde such as defined in the PDE class. An instance represents a single source.
- Parameters:
functionspace_tags_marker – The function space, cell tags and marker(s) where the linear form is defined
value – The value of the body force as a ufl-compatible object
- Keyword Arguments:
metadata – dict, compiler-specific parameters, passed to ufl.Measure(…, metadata=metadata)
# V is a vector function space, dim=2 # Gaussian source distribution X0_src = np.array([length/2, height/2, 0]) # center R0_src = 0.1 # radius F0_src = default_scalar_type([1, 0]) # amplitude of the source def src_x(x): # source(x): Gaussian nrm = 1 / (2 * np.pi * R0_src**2) # normalize to int[src_x(x) dx]=1 r = np.linalg.norm(x - X0_src[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) return nrm * np.exp(-1/2 * (r / R0_src)**2, dtype=default_scalar_type) value = fem.Function(V) value.interpolate(lambda x: F0_src[:, np.newaxis] * src_x(x)[np.newaxis,:]) bf = BodyForce(V, value) # defined in the entire domain bf = BodyForce((V, cell_tags, (1, 4)), value) # definition restricted to tags 1 and 4
- property value: Function | Constant | ndarray
- elastodynamicsx.pde.boundarycondition(functionspace_tags_marker, type_: str, *args, **kwargs) BoundaryConditionBase [source]
Builder function that instanciates the desired boundary condition (BC) type.
- Possible BCs are:
‘Free’, ‘Clamp’ ‘Dirichlet’, ‘Neumann’, ‘Robin’ ‘Periodic’ ‘Dashpot’
- Parameters:
functionspace_tags_marker – The function space, facet tags and marker(s) where the BC is applied
type – String identifier of the BC
*args – Passed to the required BC
- Keyword Arguments:
**kwargs – Passed to the required BC
# Imposes u = u_D on boundary n°1 u_D = fem.Constant(V.mesh, [0.2,1.3]) bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Dirichlet', u_D) # Imposes sigma(u).n = T_N on boundary n°1 T_N = fem.Function(V) T_N.interpolate(fancy_function) bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Neumann', T_N) # Imposes sigma(u).n = z * (u - s) on boundary n°1 z = ufl.as_matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) s = ufl.as_vector([0, 1]) bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Robin', z, s)
Free or Clamp, on one or several tags:
# Imposes sigma(u).n=0 on boundary n°1 bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Free') # Imposes u=0 on boundaries n°1 and 2 bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, (1, 2)), 'Clamp') # Apply BC to all boundaries when facet_tags and marker are not specified # or set to None bc = boundarycondition(V, 'Clamp')
# Given: x(2) = x(1) - P # Imposes: u(2) = u(1) # Where: x(i) are the coordinates on boundaries n°1, 2 # P is a constant (translation) vector from slave to master # u(i) is the field on boundaries n°1,2 # Note that boundary n°2 is slave Px, Py, Pz = length, 0, 0 #for x-periodic, and tag=left Px, Py, Pz = 0, height, 0 #for y-periodic, and tag=bottom Px, Py, Pz = 0, 0, depth #for z-periodic, and tag=back P = [Px,Py,Pz] bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 2), 'Periodic', P)
BCs involving the velocity:
# (for a scalar function_space) # Imposes sigma(u).n = z * v on boundary n°1, with v=du/dt. Usually z=rho*c bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Dashpot', z) # (for a vector function_space) # Imposes sigma(u).n = z_N * v_N + z_T * v_T on boundary n°1, # with v = du/dt, v_N = (v.n) n, v_T = v - v_N # Usually z_N = rho * c_L and z_T = rho * c_S bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Dashpot', z_N, z_T)
- elastodynamicsx.pde.material(functionspace_tags_marker, type_, *args, **kwargs) Material [source]
Builder method that instanciates the desired material type
- Parameters:
functionspace_tags_marker –
Available possibilities are:
(function_space, cell_tags, marker)
: meaning applicationof the material in the cells whose tag correspond to marker
: in this casecell_tags=None
, meaning application of the material in the entire domain
type –
Available options are:
linear (scalar): ‘scalar’
- linear: ‘isotropic’, ‘cubic’, ‘hexagonal’, ‘trigonal’, ‘tetragonal’,
’orthotropic’, ‘monoclinic’, ‘triclinic’
nonlinear, hyperelastic: ‘murnaghan’, ‘saintvenant-kirchhoff’, ‘mooney-rivlin-incomp’
*args – Passed to the required material
- Keyword Arguments:
**kwargs – Passed to the required material
- Returns:
An instance of the desired material
# ### # Constant / variable material parameter # ### rho = 2.8 rho = fem.Constant(function_space.mesh, default_scalar_type(2.8)) rho = fem.Function(scalar_function_space); rho.interpolate(lambda x: 2.8 * np.ones(len(x))) # ### # Subdomain(s) or entire domain? # ### # restricted to subdomain number 1 aluminum = material((function_space, cell_tags, 1), 'isotropic', rho=2.8, lambda_=58, mu=26) # restricted to subdomains number 1, 2, 5 aluminum = material((function_space, cell_tags, (1,2,5)), 'isotropic', rho=2.8, lambda_=58, mu=26) # entire domain aluminum = material( function_space, 'isotropic', rho=2.8, lambda_=58, mu=26) # ### # Available laws # ### # Linear elasticity mat = material( function_space, 'isotropic' , rho, C12, C44) mat = material( function_space, 'cubic' , rho, C11, C12, C44) mat = material( function_space, 'hexagonal' , rho, C11, C13, C33, C44, C66) mat = material( function_space, 'trigonal' , rho, C11, C12, C13, C14, C25, C33, C44) mat = material( function_space, 'tetragonal' , rho, C11, C12, C13, C16, C33, C44, C66) mat = material( function_space, 'orthotropic', rho, C11, C12, C13, C22, C23, C33, C44, C55, C66) mat = material( function_space, 'monoclinic' , rho, C11, C12, C13, C15, C22, C23, C25, C33, C35, C44, C46, C55, C66) mat = material( function_space, 'triclinic' , rho, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C33, C34, C35, C36, C44, C45, C46, C55, C56, C66) # Hyperelasticity mat = material( function_space, 'saintvenant-kirchhoff', rho, C12, C44) mat = material( function_space, 'murnaghan', rho, C12, C44, l, m, n) mat = material( function_space, 'mooney-rivlin-incomp', rho, C1, C2) # Arbitrary mat = material( function_space, 'custom', M_fn=lambda u,v: ufl.inner(u,v) * ufl.dx, K_fn=lambda u,v: ... * ufl.dx)
- elastodynamicsx.pde.damping(type_: str, *args) Damping [source]
Builder method that instanciates the desired damping law type
- Parameters:
type –
Available options are:
*args – Passed to the required damping law
- Returns:
An instance of the desired damping law
from elastodynamicsx.pde import damping, material dmp = damping('none') dmp = damping('rayleigh', eta_m, eta_k) mat = material(V, 'isotropic', rho, lambda_, mu, damping=dmp)
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.PDE(function_space: FunctionSpace, materials: Iterable[Material], **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a PDE of the kind:
M*a + C*v + K(u) = b + Boundary conditions
as an assembly of materials, forces and bcs defined over different subdomains.
- Parameters:
materials – a list of pde.Material instances
- Keyword Arguments:
bodyforces – (default=[]) a list of pde.BodyForce instances
bcs – (default=[]) a list of fem.DirichletBCMetaClass and/or pde.BoundaryConditionBase instances
jit_options – (default=PDECONFIG.default_jit_options) options for the just-in-time compiler
finalize – (default=True) call self.finalize() on build
- property is_linear: bool
- property mpc
- property M_form: Form | None
Compiled mass bilinear form
- property C_form: Form | None
Compiled damping bilinear form
- property K_form: Form | None
Compiled stiffness bilinear form
- property b_form: Form | None
Compiled linear form
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.PDECONFIG[source]
Global configuration parameters for classes in the pde module
- default_metadata: Dict | None = None
The default metadata used by all measures (dx, ds, dS, …) in the classes of the pde package: Material, BoundaryCondition, BodyForce
Spectral Element Method with GLL elements of degree 6:
from elastodynamicsx.pde import PDECONFIG from elastodynamicsx.utils import spectral_quadrature specmd = spectral_quadrature("GLL", 6) CONFIG.default_metadata = specmd
- default_jit_options: Dict = {}
The default options for the just-in-time compiler used in the classes of the pde package: PDE, FEniCSxTimeScheme
from elastodynamicsx.pde import PDECONFIG PDECONFIG.default_jit_options = {"cffi_extra_compile_args": ["-Ofast", "-march=native"], "cffi_libraries": ["m"]}
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.bodyforce.BodyForce(functionspace_tags_marker, value: Function | Constant | ndarray, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of the rhs term (the ‘b’ term) of a pde such as defined in the PDE class. An instance represents a single source.
- Parameters:
functionspace_tags_marker – The function space, cell tags and marker(s) where the linear form is defined
value – The value of the body force as a ufl-compatible object
- Keyword Arguments:
metadata – dict, compiler-specific parameters, passed to ufl.Measure(…, metadata=metadata)
# V is a vector function space, dim=2 # Gaussian source distribution X0_src = np.array([length/2, height/2, 0]) # center R0_src = 0.1 # radius F0_src = default_scalar_type([1, 0]) # amplitude of the source def src_x(x): # source(x): Gaussian nrm = 1 / (2 * np.pi * R0_src**2) # normalize to int[src_x(x) dx]=1 r = np.linalg.norm(x - X0_src[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) return nrm * np.exp(-1/2 * (r / R0_src)**2, dtype=default_scalar_type) value = fem.Function(V) value.interpolate(lambda x: F0_src[:, np.newaxis] * src_x(x)[np.newaxis,:]) bf = BodyForce(V, value) # defined in the entire domain bf = BodyForce((V, cell_tags, (1, 4)), value) # definition restricted to tags 1 and 4
- property value: Function | Constant | ndarray
Module for handling boundary conditions (BCs) of various types. The proper way to
instantiate a BC is using the boundarycondition
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BoundaryConditionBase(functionspace_tags_marker, **kwargs)[source]
Base class for representating of a variety of boundary conditions (BCs). The proper way to instantiate a BC is using the
function.- BCs split into three families:
BCStrongBase class: strong BCs -> map to fem.DirichletBC
BCMPCBase class: multi-point constraints BCs -> used in dolfinx_mpc
BCWeakBase class: weak BCs -> terms added to the weak forms
- labels: List[str]
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- property bc
The boundary condition
- property function_space
- property facet_tags
- property marker
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCStrongBase(functionspace_tags_marker, **kwargs)[source]
Base class for representating strong BCs. This class carries a fem.DirichletBC object.
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCMPCBase(functionspace_tags_marker, **kwargs)[source]
Base class for representating multi-point constraints BCs. Requires dolfinx_mpc to be installed.
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCWeakBase(functionspace_tags_marker, **kwargs)[source]
Base class for representating weak BCs.
- property ds
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCDirichlet(functionspace_tags_marker, value: Function | Constant | ndarray, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a Dirichlet BC. Set \(u = u_0\), with \(u_0\) the prescribed displacement.
- labels: List[str] = ['dirichlet']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- property value
Value of the prescribed displacement \(u_0\)
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCClamp(functionspace_tags_marker, **kwargs)[source]
Same as a Dirichlet BC with value set to zero -> Set \(u = 0\).
- labels: List[str] = ['clamp']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCNeumann(functionspace_tags_marker, value: Function | Constant | ndarray, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a Neumann BC. Prescribes \(\sigma(u).n = t_n\), with \(t_n\) a boundary traction.
- labels: List[str] = ['neumann']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- property value
Value of the \(t_n\) boundary traction
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCFree(functionspace_tags_marker, **kwargs)[source]
Same as a Neumann BC with value set to zero. This BC has actually no effect on the PDE.
- labels: List[str] = ['free']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCRobin(functionspace_tags_marker, value1: Function | Constant | ndarray, value2: Function | Constant | ndarray, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a Robin BC. Prescribes \(\sigma(u).n = z * (u - s)\), with \(z\) an impedance matrix and \(s\) a given vector.
- labels: List[str] = ['robin']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- property value1
- property value2
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCDashpot(functionspace_tags_marker, *values: Function | Constant | ndarray, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a Dashpot BC, i.e. an impedance condition involving the velocity. Prescribes \(\sigma(u).n = z_n * v_n + z_t * v_t\), with \(z_n\) and \(z_t\) the normal and transverse impedances, and with \(v_n\) and \(v_t\) the normal and transverse components of the velocity.
- labels: List[str] = ['dashpot']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- property values
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCCustom(functionspace_tags_marker, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a boundary condition with user-defined damping (C), stiffness (K) and linear (b) forms
- Keyword Arguments:
C_fn – (optional) callable returning the ufl (bilinear) damping form
K_fn – (optional) callable returning the ufl (bilinear) stiffness form
b_fn – (optional) callable returning the ufl linear form
- labels: List[str] = ['custom']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.BCPeriodic(functionspace_tags_marker, *values: Function | Constant | ndarray, **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a Periodic BC (translation), such as \(u(x_2) = u(x_1)\), with \(x_2 = x_1 + P\) and \(P\) a translation vector from the slave to the master boundary
- labels: List[str] = ['periodic']
String identifier(s) of the class, recognized by the boundarycondition function
- elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.get_dirichlet_BCs(bcs: Iterable[BoundaryConditionBase | DirichletBC] | Tuple[()]) List[DirichletBC] [source]
Returns the BCs of Dirichlet type in bcs
- elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.get_mpc_BCs(bcs: Iterable[BoundaryConditionBase | DirichletBC] | Tuple[()]) List[BCMPCBase] [source]
Returns the BCs to be built with dolfinx_mpc in bcs
- elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.get_weak_BCs(bcs: Iterable[BoundaryConditionBase | DirichletBC] | Tuple[()]) List[BCWeakBase] [source]
Returns the weak BCs in bcs
- elastodynamicsx.pde.boundaryconditions.boundarycondition(functionspace_tags_marker, type_: str, *args, **kwargs) BoundaryConditionBase [source]
Builder function that instanciates the desired boundary condition (BC) type.
- Possible BCs are:
‘Free’, ‘Clamp’ ‘Dirichlet’, ‘Neumann’, ‘Robin’ ‘Periodic’ ‘Dashpot’
- Parameters:
functionspace_tags_marker – The function space, facet tags and marker(s) where the BC is applied
type – String identifier of the BC
*args – Passed to the required BC
- Keyword Arguments:
**kwargs – Passed to the required BC
# Imposes u = u_D on boundary n°1 u_D = fem.Constant(V.mesh, [0.2,1.3]) bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Dirichlet', u_D) # Imposes sigma(u).n = T_N on boundary n°1 T_N = fem.Function(V) T_N.interpolate(fancy_function) bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Neumann', T_N) # Imposes sigma(u).n = z * (u - s) on boundary n°1 z = ufl.as_matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) s = ufl.as_vector([0, 1]) bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Robin', z, s)
Free or Clamp, on one or several tags:
# Imposes sigma(u).n=0 on boundary n°1 bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Free') # Imposes u=0 on boundaries n°1 and 2 bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, (1, 2)), 'Clamp') # Apply BC to all boundaries when facet_tags and marker are not specified # or set to None bc = boundarycondition(V, 'Clamp')
# Given: x(2) = x(1) - P # Imposes: u(2) = u(1) # Where: x(i) are the coordinates on boundaries n°1, 2 # P is a constant (translation) vector from slave to master # u(i) is the field on boundaries n°1,2 # Note that boundary n°2 is slave Px, Py, Pz = length, 0, 0 #for x-periodic, and tag=left Px, Py, Pz = 0, height, 0 #for y-periodic, and tag=bottom Px, Py, Pz = 0, 0, depth #for z-periodic, and tag=back P = [Px,Py,Pz] bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 2), 'Periodic', P)
BCs involving the velocity:
# (for a scalar function_space) # Imposes sigma(u).n = z * v on boundary n°1, with v=du/dt. Usually z=rho*c bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Dashpot', z) # (for a vector function_space) # Imposes sigma(u).n = z_N * v_N + z_T * v_T on boundary n°1, # with v = du/dt, v_N = (v.n) n, v_T = v - v_N # Usually z_N = rho * c_L and z_T = rho * c_S bc = boundarycondition((V, facet_tags, 1), 'Dashpot', z_N, z_T)
- elastodynamicsx.pde.materials package
- Module contents
- Submodules
- elastodynamicsx.pde.materials.material module
- elastodynamicsx.pde.materials.elasticmaterial module
- elastodynamicsx.pde.materials.anisotropicmaterials module
- elastodynamicsx.pde.materials.hyperelasticmaterials module
- elastodynamicsx.pde.materials.dampings module
- elastodynamicsx.pde.materials.kinematics module
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.pde.PDE(function_space: FunctionSpace, materials: Iterable[Material], **kwargs)[source]
Representation of a PDE of the kind:
M*a + C*v + K(u) = b + Boundary conditions
as an assembly of materials, forces and bcs defined over different subdomains.
- Parameters:
materials – a list of pde.Material instances
- Keyword Arguments:
bodyforces – (default=[]) a list of pde.BodyForce instances
bcs – (default=[]) a list of fem.DirichletBCMetaClass and/or pde.BoundaryConditionBase instances
jit_options – (default=PDECONFIG.default_jit_options) options for the just-in-time compiler
finalize – (default=True) call self.finalize() on build
- property is_linear: bool
- property mpc
- property M_form: Form | None
Compiled mass bilinear form
- property C_form: Form | None
Compiled damping bilinear form
- property K_form: Form | None
Compiled stiffness bilinear form
- property b_form: Form | None
Compiled linear form