
Module contents

The solutions module contains tools to access and post-process solutions

class elastodynamicsx.solutions.ModalBasis(wn: ndarray, un: List[Vec], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Representation of a modal basis, consisting of a set of eigen angular frequencies \(\omega_n\) and modeshapes \(\mathbf{u}_n\).

At the moment: is merely a storage + plotter class In the future: should be able to perform calculations with source terms, such as modal participation factors, modal summations, …

  • wn – eigen angular frequencies

  • un – eigen modeshapes

property fn: ndarray

The eigen frequencies \(f_n = \omega_n/2\pi\)

property wn: ndarray

The eigen angular frequencies \(\omega_n\)

property un: List[Vec]

The eigen modeshapes \(\mathbf{u}_n\)

plot(function_space: FunctionSpace, which='all', **kwargs) None[source]

Plots the desired modeshapes

  • function_space – The underlying function space

  • which – ‘all’, or an integer, or a list of integers, or a slice object

  • kwargs – shape: (default: attempts a square mosaic) shape of the pyvista.Plotter factor: (default=1) Scale factor for the deformation wireframe: (default=False) Plot the wireframe of the undeformed mesh


plot(V)                   # plots all computed eigenmodes
plot(V, 3)                # plots mode number 4
plot(V, [3,5])            # plots modes number 4 and 6
plot(V, slice(0,None,2))  # plots even modes


class elastodynamicsx.solutions.modalbasis.ModalBasis(wn: ndarray, un: List[Vec], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Representation of a modal basis, consisting of a set of eigen angular frequencies \(\omega_n\) and modeshapes \(\mathbf{u}_n\).

At the moment: is merely a storage + plotter class In the future: should be able to perform calculations with source terms, such as modal participation factors, modal summations, …

  • wn – eigen angular frequencies

  • un – eigen modeshapes

property fn: ndarray

The eigen frequencies \(f_n = \omega_n/2\pi\)

property wn: ndarray

The eigen angular frequencies \(\omega_n\)

property un: List[Vec]

The eigen modeshapes \(\mathbf{u}_n\)

plot(function_space: FunctionSpace, which='all', **kwargs) None[source]

Plots the desired modeshapes

  • function_space – The underlying function space

  • which – ‘all’, or an integer, or a list of integers, or a slice object

  • kwargs – shape: (default: attempts a square mosaic) shape of the pyvista.Plotter factor: (default=1) Scale factor for the deformation wireframe: (default=False) Plot the wireframe of the undeformed mesh


plot(V)                   # plots all computed eigenmodes
plot(V, 3)                # plots mode number 4
plot(V, [3,5])            # plots modes number 4 and 6
plot(V, slice(0,None,2))  # plots even modes