Module contents
The timeschemes module contains tools to construct the weak form of a time-dependent
problem. Several implicit and explicit schemes are supported. The preferred way to use
this module is however through the elastodynamicsx.solvers.timestepper
- List of supported schemes:
- Explicit schemes:
- Implicit schemes:
- elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.timescheme(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Builder method that instanciates the desired time scheme
- Parameters:
*args – Passed to the required time scheme
- Keyword Arguments:
scheme – (mandatory) String identifier of the time scheme
**kwargs – Passed to the required material
- Returns:
An instance of the desired time scheme
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.TimeScheme(dt, out: Vec, **kwargs)[source]
Abstract base class for time schemes as needed by the
solvers- Parameters:
dt – Time step
out – Solution vector
- Keyword Arguments:
explicit (mandatory) – Whether the scheme is explicit or implicit
nbsteps (mandatory) – Number of resolution steps
linear_ODE (default=True) – Whether the resulting ODE is linear or not
intermediate_dt (default=0.) – Time at which time-dependent terms are evaluated
- labels: List[str] = ['supercharge me']
- petsc_options_t0: dict = {'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'lu'}
- property explicit: bool
- property nbsteps: int
- property linear_ODE: bool
- property dt
The time step
- property intermediate_dt
- property out: Vec
The solution vector
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.FEniCSxTimeScheme(dt, out: Function, bilinear_form: Form, linear_form: Form, mpc: MultiPointConstraint | None = None, bcs=[], **kwargs)[source]
Abstract base class based on FEniCSx’s form language
- property out_fenicsx: Function
The solution vector
- set_initial_condition(u0, v0) None [source]
Apply initial conditions
- Parameters:
u0 – u at t0
v0 –
du/dt at t0
u0 and v0 can be:
- Python Callable -> interpolated at nodes
-> e.g.
u0 = lambda x: np.zeros((domain.topology.dim, x.shape[1]), dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
- scalar (
) -> e.g.
u0 = 0
- scalar (
- array (
) -> e.g.
u0 = [0,0,0]
- array (
-> e.g.
u0 = fem.Function(V)
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.LeapFrog(function_space: FunctionSpace, M_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], C_fn: None | Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], K_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], b_fn: None | Callable[[TestFunction], Form], dt, bcs: Tuple[BoundaryConditionBase] | Tuple[()] = (), **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Leapfrog time-stepping scheme, or Explicit central difference scheme. Leapfrog is a special case of Newmark-beta methods with \(\beta=0\) and \(\gamma=0.5\)
- Scheme:
- \(u_n\), \(v_n\), \(a_n\) are the (known) displacement, velocity and acceleration at current time step\(u_{n+1}\) is the unknown: displacement at next time step\(a_n = (u_{n+1} - 2 u_n + u_{n-1}) / dt^2\)\(v_n = (u_{n+1} - u_n-1) / (2 dt)\)
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
- Parameters:
function_space – The Finite Element functionnal space
M_fn –
The mass form. Usually:
M_fn = lambda u,v: rho* ufl.dot(u, v) * ufl.dx
C_fn (optional, ignored if None) –
The damping form. E.g. for Rayleigh damping:
C_fn = lambda u,v: eta_m * M_fn(u,v) + eta_k * K_fn(u,v)
K_fn –
The stiffness form. Usually:
K_fn = lambda u,v: ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * ufl.dx
b_fn (optional, ignored if None) – Right hand term
dt – Time step
bcs – The set of boundary conditions
- Keyword Arguments:
jit_options – (default=PDECONFIG.default_jit_options) options for the just-in-time compiler
- labels: List[str] = ['leapfrog', 'central-difference']
- property u: Function
The displacement field at current time step
- property u_nm1: Function
The displacement field at previous time step
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.GalphaNewmarkBeta(function_space: FunctionSpace, M_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], C_fn: None | Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], K_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], b_fn: None | Callable[[TestFunction], Form], dt, bcs: Tuple[BoundaryConditionBase] | Tuple[()] = (), **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the ‘g-a-newmark’ (Generalized-alpha Newmark) time-stepping scheme, for \(\beta>0\). The special case \(\beta=0\) is implemented in the
class.- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
First or second order, depending on parameters
- Parameters:
function_space – The Finite Element functionnal space
M_fn –
The mass form. Usually:
M_fn = lambda u,v: rho* ufl.dot(u, v) * ufl.dx
C_fn (optional, ignored if None) –
The damping form. E.g. for Rayleigh damping:
C_fn = lambda u,v: eta_m * M_fn(u,v) + eta_k * K_fn(u,v)
K_fn –
The stiffness form. Usually:
K_fn = lambda u,v: ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * ufl.dx
b_fn (optional, ignored if None) – Linear form
dt – Time step
bcs – The set of boundary conditions
- Keyword Arguments:
rho_inf (default = 0.75) – Spectral radius in the high frequency limit. Bounds: (1/2,1). Setting rho_inf is the preferred way of defining the scheme.
alpha_m (default = (2*rho_inf-1)/(rho_inf+1)) – Unconditionnal stability if \(-1 \leq \alpha_m \leq \alpha_f \leq 0.5\)
alpha_f (default = rho_inf/(rho_inf+1)) – Unconditionnal stability if \(-1 \leq \alpha_m \leq \alpha_f \leq 0.5\)
gamma (default = 1/2 - alpha_m + alpha_f) – Default value ensures second-order accuracy. Other values give first-order accuracy
beta (default = 1/4*(gamma+1/2)**2) – Unconditionnal stability if \(\beta \geq 0.25 + 0.5 (\alpha_f - \alpha_m)\)
jit_options (default=PDECONFIG.default_jit_options) – Options for the just-in-time compiler
- Reference:
J. Chung and G. M. Hulbert, “A time integration algorithm for structural dynamics with improved numerical dissipation: The generalized-α method,” J. Appl. Mech. 60(2), 371–375 (1993).
- Adapted from:
- labels: List[str] = ['g-a-newmark', 'generalized-alpha']
- property u: Function
- property v: Function
- property a: Function
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.HilberHughesTaylor(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor or alpha-Newmark time-stepping scheme. HHT is a special case of the Generalized-alpha scheme (\(\alpha_m=0\) and \(\alpha_f=\alpha\)).
(!) The definition of the \(\alpha\) parameter is different from that in the original article. Here: \(\alpha = -\alpha_{HHT}\)
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
First or second order, depending on parameters
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- Keyword Arguments:
rho_inf (default = 0.9) – Spectral radius in the high frequency limit. Bounds: (1/2,1). Setting rho_inf is the preferred way of defining the scheme.
alpha (default = (1-rho_inf)/(1+rho_inf)) – Set to e.g. 0.05 or sqrt(2) for low or moderate dissipation
gamma (default = 1/2 + alpha) – Default value ensures second-order accuracy. Other values give first-order accuracy
beta (default = 1/4*(gamma+1/2)**2) – Unconditionnal stability if \(\beta \geq 0.25 + 0.5 \alpha\)
- Reference:
H. M. Hilber, T. J. R. Hughes, and R. L. Taylor, “Improved Numerical Dissipation for Time Integration Algorithms in Structural Dynamics”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol. 5, pp. 283–292, 1977.
- labels: List[str] = ['hilber-hughes-taylor', 'hht', 'hht-alpha']
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.NewmarkBeta(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Newmark or Newmark-beta time-stepping scheme, for \(\beta>0\). The special case \(\beta=0\) is implemented in the
class. Newmark-beta is a special case of the Generalized-alpha scheme (\(\alpha_m=\alpha_f=0\)).- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
First-order unless \(gamma=1/2\) (second-order)
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- Keyword Arguments:
gamma (default = 1/2) – Default value ensures second-order accuracy. Other values give first-order accuracy
beta (default = 1/4*(gamma+1/2)**2) – Unconditionnal stability if \(\beta \geq 0.25\)
- labels: List[str] = ['newmark', 'newmark-beta']
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.MidPoint(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Midpoint time-stepping scheme, or Average Acceleration Method. Midpoint is a special case of Newmark-beta methods with \(\beta=1/4\) and \(\gamma=1/2\) and is unconditionally stable.
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- labels: List[str] = ['midpoint', 'average-acceleration-method', 'aam']
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.LinearAccelerationMethod(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation Linear Acceleration Method time-stepping scheme. It is a special case of Newmark-beta methods with \(\beta=1/6\) and \(\gamma=1/2\) and is unconditionally stable.
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- labels: List[str] = ['linear-acceleration-method', 'lam']
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.leapfrog.LeapFrog(function_space: FunctionSpace, M_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], C_fn: None | Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], K_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], b_fn: None | Callable[[TestFunction], Form], dt, bcs: Tuple[BoundaryConditionBase] | Tuple[()] = (), **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Leapfrog time-stepping scheme, or Explicit central difference scheme. Leapfrog is a special case of Newmark-beta methods with \(\beta=0\) and \(\gamma=0.5\)
- Scheme:
- \(u_n\), \(v_n\), \(a_n\) are the (known) displacement, velocity and acceleration at current time step\(u_{n+1}\) is the unknown: displacement at next time step\(a_n = (u_{n+1} - 2 u_n + u_{n-1}) / dt^2\)\(v_n = (u_{n+1} - u_n-1) / (2 dt)\)
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
- Parameters:
function_space – The Finite Element functionnal space
M_fn –
The mass form. Usually:
M_fn = lambda u,v: rho* ufl.dot(u, v) * ufl.dx
C_fn (optional, ignored if None) –
The damping form. E.g. for Rayleigh damping:
C_fn = lambda u,v: eta_m * M_fn(u,v) + eta_k * K_fn(u,v)
K_fn –
The stiffness form. Usually:
K_fn = lambda u,v: ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * ufl.dx
b_fn (optional, ignored if None) – Right hand term
dt – Time step
bcs – The set of boundary conditions
- Keyword Arguments:
jit_options – (default=PDECONFIG.default_jit_options) options for the just-in-time compiler
- labels: List[str] = ['leapfrog', 'central-difference']
- property u: Function
The displacement field at current time step
- property u_nm1: Function
The displacement field at previous time step
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.newmark.GalphaNewmarkBeta(function_space: FunctionSpace, M_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], C_fn: None | Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], K_fn: Callable[[TrialFunction, TestFunction], Form], b_fn: None | Callable[[TestFunction], Form], dt, bcs: Tuple[BoundaryConditionBase] | Tuple[()] = (), **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the ‘g-a-newmark’ (Generalized-alpha Newmark) time-stepping scheme, for \(\beta>0\). The special case \(\beta=0\) is implemented in the
class.- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
First or second order, depending on parameters
- Parameters:
function_space – The Finite Element functionnal space
M_fn –
The mass form. Usually:
M_fn = lambda u,v: rho* ufl.dot(u, v) * ufl.dx
C_fn (optional, ignored if None) –
The damping form. E.g. for Rayleigh damping:
C_fn = lambda u,v: eta_m * M_fn(u,v) + eta_k * K_fn(u,v)
K_fn –
The stiffness form. Usually:
K_fn = lambda u,v: ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * ufl.dx
b_fn (optional, ignored if None) – Linear form
dt – Time step
bcs – The set of boundary conditions
- Keyword Arguments:
rho_inf (default = 0.75) – Spectral radius in the high frequency limit. Bounds: (1/2,1). Setting rho_inf is the preferred way of defining the scheme.
alpha_m (default = (2*rho_inf-1)/(rho_inf+1)) – Unconditionnal stability if \(-1 \leq \alpha_m \leq \alpha_f \leq 0.5\)
alpha_f (default = rho_inf/(rho_inf+1)) – Unconditionnal stability if \(-1 \leq \alpha_m \leq \alpha_f \leq 0.5\)
gamma (default = 1/2 - alpha_m + alpha_f) – Default value ensures second-order accuracy. Other values give first-order accuracy
beta (default = 1/4*(gamma+1/2)**2) – Unconditionnal stability if \(\beta \geq 0.25 + 0.5 (\alpha_f - \alpha_m)\)
jit_options (default=PDECONFIG.default_jit_options) – Options for the just-in-time compiler
- Reference:
J. Chung and G. M. Hulbert, “A time integration algorithm for structural dynamics with improved numerical dissipation: The generalized-α method,” J. Appl. Mech. 60(2), 371–375 (1993).
- Adapted from:
- labels: List[str] = ['g-a-newmark', 'generalized-alpha']
- property u: Function
- property v: Function
- property a: Function
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.newmark.HilberHughesTaylor(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor or alpha-Newmark time-stepping scheme. HHT is a special case of the Generalized-alpha scheme (\(\alpha_m=0\) and \(\alpha_f=\alpha\)).
(!) The definition of the \(\alpha\) parameter is different from that in the original article. Here: \(\alpha = -\alpha_{HHT}\)
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
First or second order, depending on parameters
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- Keyword Arguments:
rho_inf (default = 0.9) – Spectral radius in the high frequency limit. Bounds: (1/2,1). Setting rho_inf is the preferred way of defining the scheme.
alpha (default = (1-rho_inf)/(1+rho_inf)) – Set to e.g. 0.05 or sqrt(2) for low or moderate dissipation
gamma (default = 1/2 + alpha) – Default value ensures second-order accuracy. Other values give first-order accuracy
beta (default = 1/4*(gamma+1/2)**2) – Unconditionnal stability if \(\beta \geq 0.25 + 0.5 \alpha\)
- Reference:
H. M. Hilber, T. J. R. Hughes, and R. L. Taylor, “Improved Numerical Dissipation for Time Integration Algorithms in Structural Dynamics”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol. 5, pp. 283–292, 1977.
- labels: List[str] = ['hilber-hughes-taylor', 'hht', 'hht-alpha']
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.newmark.NewmarkBeta(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Newmark or Newmark-beta time-stepping scheme, for \(\beta>0\). The special case \(\beta=0\) is implemented in the
class. Newmark-beta is a special case of the Generalized-alpha scheme (\(\alpha_m=\alpha_f=0\)).- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
First-order unless \(gamma=1/2\) (second-order)
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- Keyword Arguments:
gamma (default = 1/2) – Default value ensures second-order accuracy. Other values give first-order accuracy
beta (default = 1/4*(gamma+1/2)**2) – Unconditionnal stability if \(\beta \geq 0.25\)
- labels: List[str] = ['newmark', 'newmark-beta']
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.newmark.MidPoint(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation of the Midpoint time-stepping scheme, or Average Acceleration Method. Midpoint is a special case of Newmark-beta methods with \(\beta=1/4\) and \(\gamma=1/2\) and is unconditionally stable.
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- labels: List[str] = ['midpoint', 'average-acceleration-method', 'aam']
- class elastodynamicsx.pde.timeschemes.newmark.LinearAccelerationMethod(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Implementation Linear Acceleration Method time-stepping scheme. It is a special case of Newmark-beta methods with \(\beta=1/6\) and \(\gamma=1/2\) and is unconditionally stable.
- Implicit / explicit?
- Accuracy:
- Parameters:
*args – See GalphaNewmarkBeta
- labels: List[str] = ['linear-acceleration-method', 'lam']
Builder method that instanciates the desired time scheme
- param *args:
Passed to the required time scheme
- keyword scheme:
(mandatory) String identifier of the time scheme
- keyword **kwargs:
Passed to the required material
- returns:
An instance of the desired time scheme