Access NoiseModelling database


NoiseModelling has been preconfigured to use H2 / H2GIS as the default database (to store and manage all the needed data).

This database does not need to be configured or installed on the system. It’s transparent to users.


Many spatial processing are possible with H2GIS. Please have a look to the numerous functions on the H2GIS website.

To visualize and manage NoiseModelling data (e.g roads, buildings or landcover layers) you have the choice between the three following approaches (listed from simple to advanced):

  1. Use WPS blocks (inside)

  2. Use H2/H2GIS web client

  3. Use DBeaver client

1. Use WPS blocks

Once NoiseModelling UI is launched (open http://localhost:9580/ in your web browser), you can manage your data thanks to the Database_Manager WPS blocks folder (on the left side). In particular, you can do these actions:

  • Add_Primary_Key: allows to add a primary key on a column of a specific layer (table)

  • Clean_Database: remove all the layers (tables) from NoiseModelling (can be useful when starting a new project)

  • Display_Database: list all the layers (tables) and the columns inside

  • Drop_a_Table: remove the selected layer (table) from NoiseModelling

  • Table_Visualization_Data: display the layer (table) as an array of values

  • Table_Visualization_Map: if the layer (table) is geographic (contains geometry(ies)), display the data in a map

Below is an illustration with the Display_Database WPS block


2. Use H2/H2GIS web client

If you want to have full capabilities on visualization, edition and processing on data, you may need to connect to the database thanks to the H2/H2GIS web interface.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. download the H2/H2GIS v.2.0 database client (which is used with NoiseModelling 4.0)

  2. unzip the file

  3. in the /h2gis-standalone/ folder, double-click on the h2gis-dist-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT`.jar file to launch the web client (depending on your Operating System, you may need to allow the execution of this file)

  4. the H2/H2GIS web client should be opened in your default web browser (the URL looks like this


In the connexion panel, you have to specify the following informations:

  • Driver Class: the driver that allows to connect to a specific database. Here we want to connect to a H2 db, so let the default value org.h2.Driver

  • JDBC URL: the JDBC address of the NoiseModelling database. By default, this database is placed in here /.../data_dir/ So, fill this text area with jdbc:h2:/.../data_dir/

  • User name: the db user name. By default, keep the empty value

  • Password: the db password. By default, keep the empty value


If you want to open the database while NoiseModelling is running, you have to add ;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE after the JDBC URL. If not, you will only be able to open the database once NoiseModelling is closed.

Below is an example, with a database located on the computer here: /home/nm_user/NoiseModelling/NoiseModelling_4.0/data_dir/ We want to open the db while NoiseModelling is running.

  • JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:/home/nm_user/NoiseModelling/NoiseModelling_4.0/data_dir/;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE

  • User name: empty

  • Password: empty



The URL is here adapted to Linux or Mac users. Windows user may adapt the address by replacing / by \ and the drive name.

Once done, click on Connect

In the new interface, you discover a full database manager, with the list of tables on the left side, a SQL console (where you can execute all the instructions you want, independently of NoiseModelling) and a result panel.


3. Use DBeaver client

DBeaver is a free and open-source universal SQL / database client for developers and database administrators. DBeaver is able (among others) to connect to H2/H2GIS database or to PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

You can download DBeaver on this webpage.

Connect DBeaver to your database

  1. Run DBeaver

  2. Add a new connection

  3. If you use a H2GIS type databse, please select H2GIS embedded (use the search engine to filter)

  4. Point the database path by clicking on Browse .... By default the database is placed in the NoiseModelling/data_dir directory and is named

  5. In the Path text area, remove .mv.db at the end of the address

  6. If you want to open the database while NoiseModelling is running, add ;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE at the end of the path (you should have something like this /home/nm_user/NoiseModelling/NoiseModelling_4.0/data_dir/h2gisdb;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE)

  7. Click on Terminate to open your dabatase!



If you are using a version of DBeaver prior to 22.0.4, the interface may ask you to Save instead of Opening the existing db. Once you click on Save, a panel will warns you that already exists and will ask you if you want to Cancel or Replace : click on Replace.

Now you can use the full potential of DBeaver and the H2GIS database. You can explore, display and manage your database.
